
U.S. Trade Deficit Reaches All-Time High

A tanker carrying 1 million barrels of crude oil from Iraqi Kurdistan reportedly just rounded the Florida pan handle and is scheduled to land in Galveston, Texas. The buyer is unclear and Iraq’s official crude oil marketer SOMO is threatening to sue anyone purchasing the cargoes, which the government in Baghdad views as violating the… Keep reading →

Indian labourers prepare the flooded fie

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today announced the selection of 10 projects that will receive funding aimed at accelerating genetic breeding programs to improve plant feedstocks for the production of biofuels, biopower, and bio-based products. The investment is part of the Obama Administration’s broader effort to diversify the… Keep reading →

Oil Prices Reach New Record High

US oil producers are leaving no stone unturned in their quest to export light, sweet crude that has swelled to a glut overwhelming the country’s refineries. One option could be to swap US crude for grades produced overseas that are better suited to the US refining complex, but a host of regulatory and market-based obstacles… Keep reading →

luxury fuel

Many people love the smell of gasoline, but carcinogenic benzene flavors those aromatic vapors. What if instead of harmful toxins you could fill up your Ferrari or Lamborghini with a “green” fuel that smelled like a manly cologne? That’s exactly what some Dutch researchers are working on, with an eye toward supplying the luxury car… Keep reading →

Red Bull Global Rallycross 2014

Former Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson’s endorsement last week has put the carbon tax in the spotlight. But don’t be fooled: even with increased visibility and the wide endorsement of economists – and with a proposal or two floating around on Capitol Hill – turning U.S. energy policy in a cleaner, more climate-friendly direction continues to… Keep reading →


Originally Posted on If I asked you to think of renewable energy what comes to mind? I imagine it is skyscraper-sized wind turbines, solar panels on suburban roofs or massive hydro-electric dams. You probably do not think of burning wood or converting crops to liquid fuel to be used in cars. Yet throughout the world… Keep reading →

A woman pumps gas into a vehicle on Marc

Originally Posted on Along with other forms of so called “renewable energy,” I have come to hold a jaundiced view of biofuels, largely because of their inevitable competition with food supplies, as well as some concern about land use and the pressure placed on natural habitats, and finally, maybe most importantly, the long term sustainability… Keep reading →

San Francisco Mayor Lee Makes Green Taxi Announcement

Green History Without fanfare or an exact date, a collective automotive epiphany took place a decade ago. Nearly every major carmaker was in on it, except for Toyota. The Japanese manufacturer had its own environmental awakening 17 years ago when it introduced its first hybrid car. Toyota unveiled its gas-electric engine in Japan in 1997,… Keep reading →

Greenland:  A Laboratory For The Symptoms Of Global Warming

You can’t open a newspaper (or news website) these days without seeing an article about global warming. The discussion is generally shifting from whether or not climate change is occurring, to mitigation and adaptation strategies. Along with several popular climate change mitigation measures, this infographic features some creative ideas about how humans might slow atmospheric… Keep reading →


Proteins are critical to life; they’re the body’s essential cellular structures and machines. But they’re also tough for scientists to capture images of, especially those that could become potential targets for new medicines. However, capturing images of — and understanding — those proteins may become a bit easier thanks to a team of researchers led… Keep reading →

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