
Fracking In California Under Spotlight As Some Local Municipalities Issue Bans

The past week or so we’ve talked a lot about how natural gas and oil help Americans power past the impossible – meeting the challenges of today and building a path to a better future. See API’s 2018 annual report, check out our keynote video and listen to API President and CEO Jack Gerard’s State of American Energy remarks. All point… Keep reading →

Domestic Oil And Gas Production

Economic growth, prosperity and human development tend to go hand-in-hand, and productivity – doing more with less over time – critically drives growth and higher living standards. Metropolitan areas that are near natural gas, oil and mining activity have been exceptionally productive and able to sustain high productivity over time, according to a recent Brookings Institution… Keep reading →

Another Winter Storm Bears Down On Northeast

With the East Coast shivering from the effects of something the weather folks have dubbed a “bomb cyclone,” a couple things come to mind: Gratitude for abundant natural gas that affordably heats homes and reliably fuels electricity generation. Dismay that for some in the U.S. – the world’s leading producer of natural gas and oil –… Keep reading →

Energy Gifts

Storms Ending Plum Rain Season In Shanghai

As we look to the new year, let’s count a few of our country’s newest energy-related gifts: 1.      Production Up, Emissions Down Methane emissions from natural gas and oil development continue to decline in a number of America’s top energy-producing areas, according to a report by the group Energy in Depth (EID). The report is based on EPA’s Greenhouse… Keep reading →

Men working oil

We are constantly researching and creating innovative ways to make natural gas-fueled energy generation cleaner. Whether it’s responsibly developing natural gas in such abundance that many utilities are converting old power plants to run on cleaner, more affordable fuels or investing billions to improve the environmental performance of refineries and the products they deliver, like lower-sulfur gas for vehicles, the… Keep reading →

New EPA Regulation To Cut Emissions From Coal-Fired Plants In US

With last week’s launch of The Environmental Partnership, let’s take a more detailed look at the three emissions-reducing programs more than two dozen participating companies have announced as their initial focus: pneumatic controller upgrades, leak detection and well liquids removal. These sound a little technical, yet you don’t have to be a petroleum engineer to understand why the… Keep reading →

Germany Debates Renewable Energy Investements

It’s hard to overstate the importance of the industry’s new environmental initiative launched last week – The Environmental Partnership. “Landmark,” “historic” and “ground-breaking” all describe the partnership. Add to that list “bold” – with 26 natural gas and oil companies agreeing to share scientific information, innovations and best practices while being publicly accountable for progress on further reducing… Keep reading →

U.S. Government Releases Over $5 Billion In Aid For Home Heating Bills

EPA is out with ethanol use requirements for 2018 under the Renewable Fuel Standard(RFS), and the big takeaway is that a broken program remains in place – its original purpose superseded by surging domestic oil production and U.S. consumers still at risk. The important numbers: 19.29 billion gallons: Ethanol, advanced biofuel, biomass-based diesel and cellulosic biofuel… Keep reading →

Coal Shortage Causes Short Supply Of Power in China

The health of African American communities is a genuine cause for concern in our country. But attacking our industry is the wrong approach and detracts from the real work that should be done to reduce disparately high rates of disease among African Americans. Let’s be clear – the natural gas and oil industry is: Committed… Keep reading →

President Obama Speaks At Southern Site Of The Keystone Oil Pipeline

The Nebraska Public Service Commission’s approval of the Keystone XL pipeline is a significant milestone for a project that would enhance crude oil delivery from Canada to U.S. refineries on the Gulf Coast while also increasing U.S. energy security. Working methodically over several months, the commission gave full vent to voices on all sides of… Keep reading →

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