
Texas Gulf Coast Prepares For Hurricane Ike

It’s been an interesting time for water in Texas. Beyond the incredibly wet and cool spring we’ve been having, Memorial Day saw the second year in a row of record-breaking floods. And a few weeks ago, the Texas Water Development Board(TWDB) asked for comments on the draft 2017 State Water Plan. The TWDB is the… Keep reading →

texas wind

Three of the top five fastest growing cities in the country are here in Texas, and explosive population growth puts a lot of pressure on our electric grid to keep up with demand. Fortunately, the state’s main grid operator, Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), has done a great job of keeping the lights on,… Keep reading →

Texas Gulf Coast Prepares For Hurricane Ike

Symbiosis – in which different species have a cooperative or mutually beneficial relationship – is everywhere in nature: honeybees receive vital nutrients from flowers while delivering pollen (male) directly to the female parts of the flower; pilot fish gain protection from predators, while sharks gain freedom from parasites; and dogs protect their owners, while receiving… Keep reading →

Texas Gulf Coast Prepares For Hurricane Ike

Last week, GridWise Alliance released its 3rd Annual Grid Modernization Index (GMI), a ranking of every state’s progress toward modernization of our nation’s electric system – and Texas impressively placed third. The Alliance, a leading smart grid coalition which includes Environmental Defense Fund, based its assessment on state policies, customer engagement, and investment in advancing… Keep reading →

2015 Was A Record Year For PACE In Texas

Houston Scenics

As a bustling metropolis and the biggest city in Texas, Houston has a lot of buildings – and that equals a lot of opportunity to make these facilities more energy- and water-efficient. Houston grabbed headlines last month when it became the first in Texas to adopt a citywide Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) program. PACE… Keep reading →

5 Signs Of Texas’ Clean Energy Momentum In 2015

Boom Goes Bust: Texas Oil Industry Hurt By Plunging Oil Prices

From Apple to General Electric, it is common practice in the corporate world for established juggernauts to invest significant sums for research and development. Why? Maintaining one’s reign atop a sector requires dynamic, cutting edge innovation. The same logic applies to state economies. And when it comes to energy, Texas – where oil and gas… Keep reading →

General view of an oil refinery

Every time I open my hometown newspaper and see a negative op-ed on America’s first nationwide limits on power plant carbon pollution – the Clean Power Plan – I think, “Oh boy. Some new industry water-carrier opposing commonsense efforts to improve public health.” Now, to be sure, Texas is not the only state where groups… Keep reading →

Coastal Texas Faces Heavy Damage After Hurricane Ike

Over the next four years, Texas’ energy landscape will change dramatically. For example, throughout the 630-mile, nine-hour drive from Denton, Texas to El Paso, rolling hills will dominate the horizon and aromas from pastures and barbeque pits will waft through windows, as they have for the past hundred years. What will have a far less… Keep reading →

Moon Appears Bigger And Brighter, As Its Closer To Earth Than Normal

DALLAS, Oct. 27, 2015 – Tri Global Energy (TGE), a Dallas-based renewable energy company, continues as the leading developer of wind energy projects in Texas, according to the third quarter 2015 Market Report from the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA). Tri Global Energy’s utility-scale wind projects represent about a quarter of all wind power projects currently… Keep reading →


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