Search results for: "oil prices"

Kuwait Promises To Increase Oil Production In Case  Of War

The strategic Gulf island on the frontline against Iran faces formidable financial and diplomatic challenges, made more complicated by looming parliamentary elections. The smallest Persian Gulf country is in the throes of big economic problems. A growing debt burden means it needs foreign exchange to avoid a currency devaluation. Its wealthy neighbors—Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and… Keep reading →


Some Advice From A Would-Be Supreme Court Justice: ‘Don’t Be A Jerk’ Above The Law President Trump Narrows Supreme Court Search, Focuses On Three Judges How Appealing Pfizer Increases Prices On 100 Drugs MedCity News Trump Spends 4th Of July Screaming At OPEC On Twitter As Goldman Says Oil Prices Headed Higher Dealbreaker  

'Liberated' Eastern Libya Adjusts To Life Without Gaddafi Rule

To preserve Libyan unity, the United States should threaten to block any oil shipments not authorized by the country’s internationally recognized government. On June 21, Gen. Khalifa Haftar, the commander of the Libyan National Army, reclaimed two of Libya’s largest terminals after the militia leader Ibrahim Jadhran had seized them earlier in the month. Haftar… Keep reading →


The regime’s most vulnerable point is its precarious banking system, whose persistent mismanagement, capital shortfalls, and lack of transparency have already sparked public protests. This PolicyWatch is the first in a two-part series on renewing U.S. sanctions. Read Part 2, which discusses the specific types of old and new sanctions Washington has at its disposal. As… Keep reading →

Texas Oil Companies Work To Adapt To Falling Oil Prices

With Wall Street Journal headlines such as “Trans-Atlantic Oil-Price Spread Soars as Supply Glut Disappears,” it might be hard to remember that the United States’ domestic oil production stood at a record 10.5 million barrels per day (mb/d) in April, and the nation’s petroleum trade balance is in its best position in 50 years. This has reinforced… Keep reading →

OPEC Ministers Attend Conference In Iran

An expert panel assesses sanctions and the future of U.S. Iran strategy in light of the Trump administration’s exit from the nuclear deal. On May 11, Katherine Bauer, Patrick Clawson, and Michael Singh addressed a Policy Forum at The Washington Institute. Bauer, the Institute’s Blumenstein-Katz Family Fellow, is the former senior policy advisor for Iran… Keep reading →

Record High Gasoline Prices Continue

Washington is known for partisan political skirmishing, so it’s not surprising that a group of Senate Democrats is trying to score political points against this year’s tax reform legislation by suggesting that lowering the corporate income tax rate has been linked to the recent rise in gasoline prices. Let’s straighten them out on a couple of important… Keep reading →

Oil Fields In Northern Iraq Try To Reach Maximum Production capacity.

By providing a clear and consistent roadmap for American interests in Iraq and future international support, Washington can help Baghdad steer the country in the right direction after next month’s elections. On May 12, Iraqis go to the polls to choose their next parliament, after which officials will negotiate to appoint a prime minister and… Keep reading →

Eastern Libya Continues Fight Against Gaddafi Forces

If the Kurdish region is rolled back by federal forces or implodes into civil conflict, the consequences would threaten Iraq’s constitutional structure and undercut U.S. efforts to contain Iran. The ongoing crisis between Iraq’s federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government has resulted in the KRG losing much of the land, oil, and power it… Keep reading →

The 2011 National Christmas Tree is lit

In addition to addressing the Qatar crisis and other regional challenges, this week’s bilateral meetings promise to focus on how the United States and Kuwait can expand their economic ties and CT cooperation. On September 7, President Trump will host the leader of a close U.S. Gulf partner, Kuwaiti emir Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmed al-Sabah, for… Keep reading →

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