Search results for: "climate change"

Santa Ana Winds Stoke Wildfires In Southern California

Yesterday, California Governor Brown took another step down the road of long-term climate change regulation. Along with 11 other signatories, he signed a first-of-its-kind agreement with leaders from other international states and provinces.

ipcc charts

He’s hardly the first right-of-center energy thinker to come out in favor of a carbon tax, but Jerry Taylor’s story puts a more provocative spin on things: He was a longtime Cato Institute fellow who for years rejected the idea that climate change represented a well-understood, urgent threat, or that it was clear what impact man… Keep reading →

The US flag flies at half-staff above th

Despite High Emissions, New Coal Power Plants Planned in Germany

Conservative policy group ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council, threatened legal action against activist groups that accuse it of denying climate change. While ALEC does not deny that presentations skeptical of climate science have occurred at meetings in the past, they insist that their new leadership is open to debate and welcomes members who support… Keep reading →

Brazil's Controversial Belo Monte Dam Project To Displace Thousands in Amazon

Scientists analyzing satellite data have found the world’s vegetation has expanded despite deforestation in some regions. The results were published Monday in the journal, Nature Climate Change. Nearly 4 billion tons of carbon have been added to plants above ground since 2003. Most of the growth has resulted from tree-planting programs in China, forest regrowth… Keep reading →

texas wind

Georgetown, Texas is to be powered by 100% renewable energy as the state moves toward clean energy infrastructure despite prominent Republican Sen. Ted Cruz protecting the interests of the oil industry. “I was called an Al Gore clone, a tree-hugger,” says Jim Briggs, interim city manager of Georgetown, a community of about 50,000 people some… Keep reading →


A new web-based tool named the “Global Calculator” is designed to interactively raise awareness of looming climate change impacts. A lack of swift and meaningful action on behalf of the international community to implement global mitigation and adaptation strategies is expected to increase the severity of these climate change impacts. An accompanying report with insights from the Global Calculator… Keep reading →

Japan v Zambia - International Friendly

The state of Florida has quietly banned the use of the words “climate change” and “global warming” from all official correspondence. First reported in an article by Tristram Korten, officials at the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the same agency who is tasked to study the climate and prepare for natural disasters were told that… Keep reading →

Submitted Evidence Of Global Warming From Satellite Imagery

This winter, the US Northeast was constantly pummeled with heavy snow often accompanied by gusty winds that brought arctic air from the High North. The city of Boston, in particular, bore the brunt of these Arctic blasts, but at the same time, parts of Alaska experienced an unusually mild winter. “Boston is crushed under more than eight… Keep reading →

US Army V Corps To Leave Europe For Afghanistan

When the U.S. military calls climate change a “threat multiplier” and “a serious threat to national security,” it makes anyone stand up and pay attention. From direct land impacts and food and water shortages, to the displacement of millions of people, climate change is not taken lightly by our armed forces. Earlier this week, two… Keep reading →

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