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Netanyahu Meets With Noble Energy CEO

This Forbes piece profiles Noble Energy’s diverse portfolio of assets that may appear haphazard, but according to CEO Charles D. Davidson, “This isn’t an accident. This is a strategy.” [Forbes] A top oil and gas banker moves from Morgan Stanley to Credit Suisse. “Before making the move, Mr. McCabe was at Morgan Stanley, and has… Keep reading →


This article is part of the series highlighting the “Top Things You Didn’t Know About…” Be sure to check back for more entries soon. Known only as site Y when it opened in 1943, Los Alamos National Laboratory had just one original mission: to build an atomic bomb. In the years since, the Lab’s mission has… Keep reading →

Senate Democrats Address The Press After Their Weekly Policy Luncheon

A proposal to tighten up the U.S.’s mess of 42 different energy incentives – more than two dozen of them short-term measures that frequently roil the markets as they expire or near expiration – is drawing a split reaction from the nation’s two largest renewable energy sectors. The American Wind Energy Association commended Sen. Max… Keep reading →

Hurricane Katrina Aftermath - Day 20

No doubt the Energy and Utilities industry has witnessed increasing complexity and significant challenges in recent years, centering around compliance issues, competitive pricing pressures, and business continuity. These issues, amongst others, will remain the focus for Board and Management’s corporate strategy and 2014 planning meetings around the world. Looking back on year 2013, and ahead… Keep reading →

Inside Hunterston B Nuclear Power Station

Nuclear faces a somewhat uncertain future in the US, owing to questions about costs – especially in an era of cheap natural gas – as well as safety concerns and public acceptance issues in the wake of the Fukushima Daiichi disaster. But another pressing concern for the industry is how to fill rapidly rising job vacancies… Keep reading →

UCLA Institute Of The Environment And Sustainability's 2nd Annual Evening Of Environmental Excellence - Inside

The value placed on sustainable business practices and investments made in companies that embrace environmentally-friendly sustainable operating procedures has truly become de rigueur. You can’t watch TV, walk through the supermarket or read a corporate website without getting bombarded by green, carbon-neutral, organic, energy-efficient messaging. But how much of this is green-washed hype and how… Keep reading →

Global Issues Impact Oil Price

More problems with the Renewable Fuel Standard – an ethanol and biodiesel US transportation fuel supply blending requirement – have arisen with fraud allegations against an Indiana company that sold 33.5 million renewable-fuel credits for biofuel it never produced. This is not the first time fraudulent renewable-fuel credits have disrupted the RIN market and the EPA has been… Keep reading →

OPAL Pipeline To Connect To Baltic Sea

The EU Commission has intervened in construction of the South Stream gas pipeline on the grounds that deals signed between Russia’s Gazprom and seven European countries violate an EU law forbidding a company from acting as both pipeline operator and monopoly gas supplier. The EU energy commissioner will go to Moscow next month for talks… Keep reading →


Wise souls steel themselves before heading out at this time of year. There’s always a potential bite waiting: An icy road, a missed parking space, or the last-minute rush at a retail outlet. In contrast, a species of fish — which goes by the ungainly name of Arapaima gigas — faces potential bites from ferocious… Keep reading →

Germany Seeks Permanent Nuclear Waste Storage Site

The annual MIT Venture Capital conference is a summit where VCs from Menlo Park to Boston come together and present their views on the next hottest startup investments to eager MBA students, entrepreneurs, and fellow investors. As global leaders in engineering and technology, it’s no surprise that MIT has always been a pillar for energy industry development,… Keep reading →

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