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Merida, Mexico — U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz launched several new initiatives with other global energy leaders at the Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA) and the sixth Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM6) this week in Merida, Mexico. These initiatives will further strengthen momentum in the Western Hemisphere and around the globe to combat climate… Keep reading →

Northeast Debates Benefits And Dangers Of Hydrofracking


Tough timing for Shell on this announcement from the National Transportation Safety Board: The National Transportation Safety Board determines that the probable cause of the grounding of the mobile offshore drilling unit Kulluk was Shell’s inadequate assessment of the risk for its planned tow of the Kulluk, resulting in implementation of a tow plan insufficient to mitigate that… Keep reading →

lng terminal spain

Talk of building liquefied natural gas (LNG) receiving terminals in the Philippines has been ongoing for years. However, those talks mostly lead nowhere amid regulatory and financing hurdles, as well as companies trying to appease not only officials in Manila but provincial officials who often scared away international business with their under the table demands… Keep reading →

Schwarzenegger Tours Solar Panel Roof Of A Sam's Club

2015 is gearing up to be a very interesting year for the United States’ solar Market. The US installed 6.2 GW of  solar in 2014, that’s a 30% increase over installed capacity in the previous year. All available indicators point to even more capacity added this year. Solar modules and installation costs have decreased dramatically,… Keep reading →

Ethanol Industry Threatened By Midwest Drought

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Friday engaged in the strange exercise of setting volume requirements for biofuels under the Renewable Fuel Standard – strange because some of the levels are in the past, and others might have only a vague relationship with reality – and seemed to upset everyone. In other words, situation normal. The… Keep reading →

New York And New Jersey Continue To Recover From Superstorm Sandy

Last year, the New York Power Authority announced its Strategic Plan to address the demands of a rapidly changing electric power industry. Since 2014, a new division has been created under Customer Empowerment, major electrical infrastructure modernization projects are underway, and NYPA’s culture is evolving to realign its resources. In other words, in just 12… Keep reading →

NATO Supply Trucks Remain Marooned At Karachi Port

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) recently called for “climate proofing” – to borrow a term used by Preety Bhandari, who heads ADB’s Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management Unit – low-lying or coastal cities in Asia requiring the trifecta of sound integrated planning, adequate resources and political commitment. “The battle against climate change is likely… Keep reading →


Europe’s largest oil companies are reportedly working together on a policy strategy leading up to this year’s international climate talks in Paris. It’s nice to hear that some of the biggest players in the global oil and gas industry want to engage in solutions, but it remains to be seen if they will take the… Keep reading →


The Obama administration laid out its plans on Thursday to limit petroleum drilling on the habitats of the greater sage grouse, a native of the American West that many environmentalists say is being threatened with extinction. “The announcement may stave off a possible Interior Department declaration by October that the finicky chickenlike bird known for its… Keep reading →

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