President Trump

President Trump declared an “Infrastructure Week” but did not accompany it with specific actions to increase infrastructure expenditures.

Life In Riyadh

Washington should avoid the appearance of taking sides in the rivalry between the Saudi crown prince and his younger cousin, the deputy crown prince. A profusion of royal decrees on June 17 appears to have further marginalized Crown Prince Muhammad bin Nayef and confirms the political ascendancy of King Salman’s son Deputy Crown Prince Muhammad… Keep reading →

The Paris Agreement: Where We Were, Where We Are, Where We Are Going

The US flag flies at half-staff above th

The Agreement was the culmination of a four-year negotiation among the 197 nations that are parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change


A sustainable reset will require greater consultation prior to policy initiatives, a greater willingness among GCC states to work together, and a U.S. willingness to reassume a leadership role by fashioning security policy frameworks for its partners. President Trump’s attendance at the recent summits in Riyadh was a first step toward resetting relations with America’s… Keep reading →

U.S. States, Cities, & Corporations Unite To Uphold Paris Climate Accord

Bicycle Taxi In Paris

President Trump has announced that the United States would withdraw from the landmark Paris climate accord, sparking serious concern about the future of global efforts to mitigate climate change.

Despite U.S. Retreat From Paris Agreement, Shareholders Require Climate Change Assessments

The US flag flies at half-staff above th

In the midst of President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, shareholders are demanding greater transparency regarding climate change risks.

As Default Deadline Nears, Congress Continues Debate Debt Ceiling Plan

The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee just voted on the nominations of Neil Chatterjee and Rob Powelson to be FERC Commissioners.

A Sea Of Change: The Congressional Review Act And Energy Regulation

Congress Meets As Government Shutdown Looms

The beginning of 2017 has brought a sea change within the US regulatory regime, with yet unknown global effects.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Meets Woodside CEO Peter Coleman

The Israeli prime minister has taken pains to accommodate the U.S. president, overlooking some potentially troublesome developments, but many questions remain on how the parties will convert a graceful reception into tangible progress. On May 22, President Donald Trump will arrive in Israel for the second leg of his overseas trip, following his stay in… Keep reading →

Bye-Bye Clean Power Plan

British Government Signs A Deal For New Nuclear Power Plant

The Clean Power Plan and its companion new source review rule, is the Obama Administration’s signature regulation on reducing greenhouse gas emissions from power plants.

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