
US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel Travels To Middle East

Energy security, rather than energy independence, should be the priority for US geopolitical positioning as the superpower reviews the impact of the ongoing production boom from shale oil and gas fields in the continental US, a new report argues. “The three key factors in the promotion of energy security are increasing energy efficiency, diversifying supply… Keep reading →

Sens. Wyden, Udall, Paul, And Blumenthal Discuss Principles For Surveillance Reform

Time and again when the prospect of exporting US crude oil is discussed, the issue of domestic gasoline price impacts surfaces. Will consumers pay more or less at the pump? There is no shortage of debate on the topic, but some analysts contend the increased volumes of light sweet crude US exports would feed into… Keep reading →

Coastal Texas Faces Heavy Damage After Hurricane Ike

The U.S. energy revolution continues to reshape America’s energy outlook for the better. Thanks largely to shale energy reserves and advanced hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling, the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s 2014 Annual Energy Outlook estimates domestic oil production will approach 9.6 million barrels per day by 2016 – a level of output not seen since 1970.… Keep reading →

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