

U.S. wind energy industry leaders went to Texas on Wednesday to release their annual market report and highlight wind’s continuing successes and benefits there. A couple of their selling points were familiar – cheap and clean power – but there was another item that got big emphasis this year, and you’re likely to hear a… Keep reading →

Wisconsin Lawmakers To Debate Bill That Would Cripple Wind Energy In State

Since the dawn of the 21st century, wind power has grown from providing less than one-third of 1 percent of U.S. electricity generation to 4.4 percent in 2014. And there’s reason to believe it could become much bigger – the cost of wind energy has declined and the U.S. Department of Energy recently laid out… Keep reading →

Riffgat Offshore Wind Farm Nears Completion

Insight for Industry – Ongoing Technology Advances and Policy Actions Will Lower New York’s Offshore Wind Costs Global and domestic factors, combined with siting and transmission policies, innovative financing mechanisms, and infrastructure upgrades may allow New York to reduce offshore wind energy costs by 50 percent by 2022. Offshore wind energy cost reductions will enable… Keep reading →

California Continues To Lead U.S. In Green Technology

Intermittent it may be, but wind is a friend of EPA, not a foe  Ever since the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) unveiled the Clean Power Plan (CPP), its proposal to reduce US greenhouse gas emissions 30% from 2005 levels by 2030, there has been speculation that it will lead, among other things, to premature retirements… Keep reading →

Germany Seeks Ambitious Goals For Renewable Energy

Insight for Industry – Capital-Intensive Wind Energy Projects Will Rely on Streamlined Processes and Supportive Policies Continued wind industry growth depends on near- and long-term actions that can facilitate continued cost reductions, add transmission capacity, and streamline permitting activities to complement government policies. Domestic wind deployment has increased in recent years despite low natural gas… Keep reading →

Germany Seeks Ambitious Goals For Renewable Energy

According to the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), wind installations worldwide grew by 44% in 2014, adding over 51 GW and pointing to a “solid sign of the recovery of the industry after a rough patch in the past few years.” Cumulative global wind capacity stood around 370 GW at the end of 2014.… Keep reading →


  With utility-scale wind turbines installed in 39 states, wind energy accounts for 4.5 percent of our nation’s annual electricity generation. At this level, wind energy already supports more than 50,000 industry-related jobs in manufacturing, construction, operations and maintenance, and supporting services, all while improving the environment and strengthening our economy. So, what could the… Keep reading →

California Continues To Lead U.S. In Green Technology

The Wind Industry is set to take off over the next 30 years and could become one of the nation’s dominant power sources, the Obama administration stated yesterday.”The Energy Department projects that by 2050 wind power could provide 35 percent of U.S. electricity — a dramatic jump from today’s energy landscape, in which wind provides less than… Keep reading →


Present Day to 2050, Report Quantifies the Economic and Social Benefits of Robust Wind Energy Growth WASHINGTON – In support of the President’s all-of-the-above energy strategy to diversify our nation’s power supplies, the Energy Department today released a new report looking at the future of wind power through 2050 and the economic benefits that come… Keep reading →

New Combined Electricity Project Connect Spain and France

The Obama administration is holding fast to a George W. Bush-era scenario in which wind provides 20 percent of U.S. electricity by 2030 – doing it one better, actually, suggesting 35 percent wind by 2050 is viable – although it acknowledges that a wide range of challenges will have to be overcome to pull it… Keep reading →

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