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Have you ever treated your windshield with Rain-X or bought eyeglasses with an antireflective coating? A new technology combines the benefits of both in a unique glass coating that can improve tomorrow’s solar panels, lenses, detectors, windows and many other products. Scientists at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory looked to some surprising… Keep reading →

Warren Buffett And BofA CEO Brian Moynihan Speak At Georgetown University

Warren Buffett is apparently not an unadorned green but instead falls in the category of self-interested capitalist. Shocker, right? The billionaire is under scrutiny because one arm of his vast Berkshire Hathaway conglomerate – the Nevada utility NV Energy – is trying to keep a 3 percent ceiling on net-metered solar in the state. Meanwhile, other arms of Berkshire… Keep reading →


Honestly, we don’t enjoy debunking renewable energy innovation. And it’s actually not the technologies as much as it’s the media coverage that gets us going. In a connected world where one credulous story can set off a chain reaction of hype and misunderstanding, a little scrutiny can’t be a bad thing, can it? The latest instigator: the Guardian. The technology:… Keep reading →

Preliminary Draw of the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil - Previews

Brazil’s federal government appears to be dedicating serious effort – at long last – to developing the country’s solar industry. Although Brazil has a population of nearly 200 million, it only has 42 MW of cumulative installed capacity. For the sake of comparison, that level of capacity is roughly on par with the state of… Keep reading →


Here we go again. Last week it was a wind turbine without a turbine that won the Internet. This week, a solar bike path in the Netherlands – a fun extravagance that has no hope of making a meaningful difference in anyone’s energy future – is drawing massive attention. What will it be next week? I predict… Keep reading →

President Obama Visits Largest Photovoltaic Plant In U.S. In Nevada

The American Action Forum, a center right think-tank, have revealed date showing that the Obama administration finalized 275 energy and environment regulations between 2009 and 2014, with the price tag of each regulation averaging $1.75 billion. “And that doesn’t even consider the paperwork companies will have to complete. AAF data shows that Obama’s energy regulations have… Keep reading →

Solar Energy Is Focus Of Energy-Producing Housing Colony

Prices of solar cells and solar panels have fallen dramatically over the last few years. This (and state subsidies) has been good for the advancement of this amazing renewable energy source, and solar energy can today be seen as an established energy source, reliable and well distributed, cost competitive with traditional non-renewable energy sources and… Keep reading →

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas Visits Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman pulled out of meetings at the White House and Camp David this week at the last minute. The move is being interpreted as a signal the Saudis are unhappy with United States’ Iranian foreign policy. “Jon Alterman, senior vice president at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said King Salman’s… Keep reading →

oil price cartoon

State-controlled Saudi Aramco adjusted its official crude oil selling prices in response to changing oil market dynamics. The company left Arab Light prices unchanged for Asian customers, while it increased prices for destinations in Europe and the US where demand appears to be picking up. The summer cooling season in Saudi Arabia is expected to… Keep reading →

SunEdison Inc Seven Sisters

During the next five years, 200,000 service members will transition from active duty military to civilian life. They will need jobs. The solar industry is booming and needs skilled workers. The math is simple. The recently announced Solar Ready Vets program aims to help transitioning service members pursue training in the solar industry, which is… Keep reading →

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