

Two years ago, before it was even built, the Macho Springs Solar Facility in New Mexico made headlines thanks to a 20-year, 5.7-cents per kilowatt-hour power purchase agreement with El Paso Electric. The 30 percent federal investment tax credit and a generous New Mexico production tax credit helped make that price possible, but another factor… Keep reading →

Surging Oil Industry Brings Opportunity To Rural California

Lord John Browne, the former BP chief executive, will head up new oligarch-backed $10bn fund L1 which is buying up energy industry assets while price of oil is low. “John Browne, who was appointed executive chairman of the oligarch-backed L1 Energy group last week, is scouring the industry to snap up assets at knock-down prices,… Keep reading →

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  In the summer of 1969, the Apollo 11 space flight sent three American astronauts to the moon and back in roughly a week. Nearly 50 years later, it should be possible to complete a simple project — like connecting a solar photovoltaic or PV energy system to the grid — in the same amount… Keep reading →

Let’s Talk About Solar Power And Equity

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We need to have “the talk” about solar power and equity, because ignoring uncomfortable questions will invite misinformation and bad decisions. We need an informed dialogue about how local solar power can impact low-income communities and communities of color in the U.S. We need to talk about “all the good things, and the bad things,… Keep reading →

Cleveland's COOPs

Massachusetts’ Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SREC) are an unquestioned success, creating green jobs and clean energy while protecting taxpayers. As the program enters its second phase, it’s time for Governor Baker to reaffirm the state’s commitment to a sustainable economic future. Governor Patrick established the SREC program in 2008 to incentivize 400 megawatts (MW) new… Keep reading →


Landmark Solar YieldCo between First Solar and SunPower from Shutterstock. Vertically integrated solar developer superpowers and competitors First Solar and SunPower are partnering on a solar project YieldCo. This somewhat surprising announcement from the rival firms comes after several quarters of reluctance (or patience) in entering a YieldCo structure — either individually or jointly. The market… Keep reading →

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Some utilities have belatedly decided to enter solar leasing business. Too little, too late?  Some utilities have decided that fighting solar is futile. Instead, they will join their enemies, assisting more customers to install solar panels on the roof – if that is what they want – or make their homes and businesses more energy… Keep reading →

A worker puts on solar panels on Novembe

Three Military Bases Partner with Energy Department to Train Veterans for Solar Jobs WASHINGTON — Today, the first class of Marine trainees at Camp Pendleton will graduate from the Energy Department’s solar job training pilot program, which is aimed at preparing service members for careers in the solar industry as solar photovoltaic system installers, sales… Keep reading →

Opposition Rebels Battle Gaddafi Forces In Eastern Libya

Oil prices increased to their highest in nearly two months on Monday, following concerns over escalating conflict with Islamic State militants in Libya and threats to withhold exports from Iraq’s semi-autonomous Kurdish region. “Egypt bombed Islamic State targets inside Libya on Monday and Cairo renewed calls for a U.S.-led coalition to confront militants there a… Keep reading →

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The buzz about solar keeps on growing thanks to a steady stream of media reports about the industry’s growth potential. The latest examples, to name just a few, include Duke Energy’s $500 million solar expansion; solar on landfills and the proliferation of solar carports; and many reports on the potential of perovskite-based panels to dramatically slash costs.

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