

Seeking Crypto Clarity: Takeaways From The Congressional Roundtable Above The Law Brett Kavanaugh Joins A Supreme Court Challenged With Legitimacy How Appealing How Tracking And Visualizing Data Leads To Better Patient Outcomes MedCity News Tesla Is Looking To Hire A Work Daddy For Elon Musk Dealbreaker

Can Blockchain Unlock A Sustainable Future?

Sun Blankets New York City, Ahead Of Cold Front Returning Despite Start Of Spring

Blockchain – a really high-tech “spreadsheet” or ledger used to record transactions securely – offers exciting potential for clean energy. With the rapid rise of distributed energy technologies — such as rooftop solar, batteries, smart energy devices, and electric vehicles — some analysts believe the market for blockchain applications in the energy sector is many times larger than it is… Keep reading →


Brett Kavanaugh Has Taught Me That Harriet Miers Got A Raw Deal Above The Law Liberals, This Is War: What’s At Stake Is Much More Than A Single Supreme Court Seat How Appealing Blink Health Launches Free Home Delivery For Discounted Drugs MedCity News Major League Baseball Blames Attendance Dip On Bad Weather Preventing Fans… Keep reading →

CFTC Brings Energy Market Insider Trading Case, Announces Insider Trading Task Force

Markets Stabilise After Turbulence Last Week

The CFTC has filed a new “insider trading” enforcement action involving the energy markets


Judge Maryanne Trump Barry Is Behind The Explosive Donald Trump Tax Revelations Above The Law The Rise And The Reckoning: Inside Brett Kavanaugh’s Circles Of Influence How Appealing Why Broadband And Telehealth Are Interconnected MedCity News Anthony Scaramucci Is The New Geoffrey The Giraffe Dealbreaker

Petrobras Reaches $1.78 Billion FCPA Resolution

Rio De Janeiro Hoping To Host 2016 Olympic Games

The DOJ and SEC and Petrobras, Brazil’s state-owned energy company, reached the largest settlement in the history of U.S. enforcement of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act


If Elon Musk Violated SEC Rule With His Tweet, Donald Trump Violates The Same Rule Almost Daily Above The Law The Wide Arc Of The Supreme Court How Appealing Report: Three-fourths Of Medicare Advantage Denials Overturned On Appeal MedCity News Trump White House Reaches “Goldman Sachs = Liberal Agitprop” Level Of Cognitive Dissonance Dealbreaker

Renewable Energy Update: September 2018 #4

wind turbine rappel

Lithium-ion batteries have become essential for powering electric cars and storing energy generated by solar panels and wind turbines


Colonists Had More Protections From Unreasonable Government Searches Than We Do Now Above The Law Confirming Brett Kavanaugh Now Would Destroy The Supreme Court As We Know It How Appealing Baylor Scott & White, Memorial Hermann Intend To Merge MedCity News You’ll Never Guess The Kinds Of Things A Trump Administration Official Was Writing 15… Keep reading →

'A World Without Petrol' Art Exhibition Launches In Sydney

As President Trump has weighed the broken Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) and its mandates for ever-increasing ethanol use, he asked EPA for a deal that works for all stakeholders and protects consumers. Unfortunately, he didn’t get one. In the current push to facilitate year-round sales of E15 gasoline, which contains 50 percent more ethanol than… Keep reading →

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