
Work Crew Installs Solar Power Panels In Santa Monica

When it comes to protecting the environment and fighting climate change, California has always been a first mover. Now the state is boldly acting to unleash a new market that saves energy, cuts pollution, and drastically increases clean energy investment for California’s residents. Last week, California approved a $10 million reserve that will revive the Property… Keep reading →


To help you save money by saving energy, we launched #AskEnergySaver — an online series that gives you access to some of the Energy Department’s home energy efficiency experts. During 2014, experts from the Department and our National Labs will be answering your energy-saving questions and sharing their advice on ways to improve your home’s comfort. Hot… Keep reading →

Germany Invests Heavily In Solar Energy

Most people do not typically associate Minnesota with abundant sunshine, but after a landmark decision by the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) yesterday the sun is definitely shining on this snow-swept state. The PUC established the first statewide program to fairly value investments in rooftop solar electricity generation. I listened to a portion of the public meeting and… Keep reading →

California Continues To Lead U.S. In Green Technology

Utility Dive takes a look at the new study making headlines – and getting its author on the David Letterman Show – that says the US could generate all its power from renewable sources by 2050. Not to spoil it, but the answer – predictably – is 100% renewables is possible, if not very challenging.… Keep reading →


Across the globe, a number of dynamics, such as new technology, financial pressures and changing community outlooks, are impacting businesses large and small. The demand to do more with less has never been greater. This new operating reality also holds true for water utilities around much of the world. To balance these competing forces, water… Keep reading →

Higher Energy Costs Can Increase Consumer Prices

Technology is the main driver for change – i.e. optimization, which leads to finding promising technological solutions for pressing global challenges – and for increased productivity in the modern world. However, for mankind to continue along this trajectory, appropriate investment is often dependent on the public’s understanding and awareness of promising technologies’ potential, as well… Keep reading →


You may have heard about the recent 60 Minutes segment that inexplicably reported the cleantech sector was in steep decline. There are quite a few reports out there breaking down the many fallacies of that segment, with most correctly concluding the sector is not dead, it is in fact booming and evidence of that surging momentum is everywhere you look. Consider these… Keep reading →

Germany Debates Renewable Energy Investements

The FY 2015 budget plan proposes $27.9B in DOE funding, reiterating President Obama’s commitment to a low-carbon future and energy infrastructure resilience. President Barack Obama’s FY 2015 budget plan released on March 4, 2014 allocates $27.9B for the Department of Energy (DOE), a 2.6 percent increase from the 2014 enacted level. It reflects DOE reorganization… Keep reading →

High Oil Prices Continue To Drive Gas Prices Steadily Upwards

US oil-directed drilling rigs reached 1,443 last week, which is the highest level recorded since Baker Hughes separated its oil and gas rig counts in 1987. “One could argue that all of the increase in the oil rig count this week was because of the Permian,” James Williams, president of WTRG Economics in London, Arkansas,… Keep reading →


These days, a $40 million dollar equity financing deal might not seem groundbreaking in America’s power markets. But for the keen analyst of distributed solar energy, that same investment may just herald a shift toward the future of project financing. Count our team among the latter after John Hancock Life Insurance announced it would partner… Keep reading →

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