Breaking Defense (pha)

Posts by Breaking Defense (pha)


To help you save money by saving energy, we launched #AskEnergySaver — an online series that gives you access to some of the Energy Department’s home energy efficiency experts. During 2014, experts from the Department and our National Labs will be answering your energy-saving questions and sharing their advice on ways to improve your home’s comfort. Summer… Keep reading →

An tanker is docked on June 05, 2010 off

FERC has authorized Cameron LNG’s $10B natural gas liquefaction and export project, the second LNG export proposal to receive final FERC approval after conditional DOE approval.  On June 19, 2014, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) authorized Cameron LNG LLC, a subsidiary of Sempra Energy Corp,  to construct and operate a natural gas liquefaction and… Keep reading →

Natural Gas Prices In Midwest Could Jump Over 70% After Katrina

Just when you think it’s safe to go back in the water, the smart meter debate has been elevated to the national level by several publications, including Forbes. Smart meter installations in the United States are expected to progress steadily over the next 10 years. That is because they offer a range of benefits to… Keep reading →

Worldskills 2013 Youth Job Skills Championships

The energy industry – oil & gas sector in particular – is bracing itself for a massive wave of retirements over the short to medium term, which has been dubbed “The Great Shift Change.” As the industry prepares for this turnover, companies are looking to the next generation of candidates with skills ranging from finance,… Keep reading →

(FILES) Photo dated 27 October 2006 show

Ranking the challenges of a distributed energy future at Grid Edge Live 2014. The grid edge is a complex realm, combining traditional utility operations with the emerging world of distributed energy generation and control. Greentech Media’s inaugural Grid Edge Live conference, taking place this week in San Diego, is dedicated to finding solutions to these complex,… Keep reading →

Enviro-Friendly Housing Estate Opens In Sydney

WASHINGTON – As part of President Obama’s Climate Action Plan, the Energy Department today announced a new energy efficiency standard for furnace fans, the latest of eight finalized standards and nine proposed standards issued since the Climate Action Plan was announced last year. These efficiency standards cut carbon pollution and save American families and businesses… Keep reading →

Fracking In California Under Spotlight As Some Local Municipalities Issue Bans

The idea that recent sequential earthquake activity, particularly in Ohio and Oklahoma, is related to hydraulic fracking and water disposal operations is gaining traction in some key drilling states. While there is no hard data to conclusively support the theory, action on the part of regulatory agencies will potentially present oil and gas companies with… Keep reading →

Photo of the Week_072012

Earlier this spring, the Energy Department hosted an Energy Finance Roundtable. The event included leaders across the philanthropic space who joined Secretary Ernest Moniz, Deputy Secretary Daniel Poneman and other Administration officials for a dialogue on the role of U.S. foundations in driving clean energy innovation and market transformation through their investments. Events like these… Keep reading →

Debate Continues into Future of UK Energy Generation

Earlier this month, Texas Public Utility Commission (PUC) chairwoman Donna Nelson called for the federal government to end its renewable energy tax credit for Texas wind and for the end of state policies that have resulted in Texas’ clean energy economy boom. The chairman’s appeal is so devoid of a factual basis it is hard… Keep reading →

Construction Of New Homes Continued To Rise In August

On June 6, 2014, the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) announced the availability of significantly higher incentives under its Low-rise Residential New Construction Program including first incentives for homes designed for net zero energy performance.  Builders can avail $2,000-$8,000 per unit under three performance tiers, with the highest amount for net… Keep reading →

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