Breaking Defense (pha)

Posts by Breaking Defense (pha)

The West side of the US Capitol Building

The DOE has issued a final rule establishing standards for green building rating systems that provide certification for federal buildings. On October 10, 2014, the Department of Energy (DOE) issued a final rule establishing standards for green building certification systems to strengthen federal buildings’ energy management through enhanced energy use measurement and energy efficient design.… Keep reading →

Structuring Energy and Natural Resource Investments into Sub Saharan Africa

Bill Clinton Visits Clinton Foundation Projects In Africa

An improving investment climate –

Perceptions of Africa as an investment destination are changing rapidly and parts of Africa are increasingly considered very attractive for foreign direct investment. Compare this to similar findings as recently as three or four years ago, and it becomes clear that there has been a remarkable change in Africa’s image in a short period of time.

The statistics suggest that these changing perceptions are justified. Africa’s share of global foreign direct investment stands at 5.7% – an all-time high, of which, notably, 80% is directed towards sub-Saharan Africa1. In addition, there has been a marked increase in intra-African investment. While the majority of this inward investment has been focused on the traditional extractive industries, it is worth noting that there is also a long-term trend towards increasing investments in consumer facing industries, such as financial services. Kenya, for example, is harnessing such investment to establish itself as a regional commercial financial hub…

With AFP Story by Veronique DUPONT: US-E

Marcellus Gas Production Anticipated to Increase, Lead the Nation in November: The State Journal (West Virginia): The U.S. Energy Information Administration’s Drilling Productivity Report, released Oct. 14, revealed that the Marcellus Shale play is anticipated to produce more gas than other reported regions in November. The Marcellus region is expected to produce 16,045 million cubic feet of… Keep reading →


New York’s “Reforming the Energy Vision” (REV) proceeding aims to reform the state’s long-standing electricity system to lay the groundwork for a cleaner and more efficient grid that allows for more customer choice and competition from third-party energy services companies. Forming the centerpiece of this 21st-century vision is a platform that would smoothly integrate innovative energy services… Keep reading →


Last week we welcomed the Department of Energy’s new Deputy Secretary, Dr. Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall. On Friday, Energy Department employees got a visit from Vice President Joe Biden, who administered a ceremonial oath of office to Dr. Sherwood-Randall in the Forrestal Auditorium at Energy Department headquarters. Check out photos from Deputy Secretary Sherwood-Randall’s swearing-in ceremony in the photo… Keep reading →

A man walks outside a newly launched 670

The 330-MW Sarulla geothermal power project stands to be the largest geothermal power project in Indonesia to date. A Latham & Watkins team led by partners Joseph Bevash, Clarinda Tjia-Dharmadi and Andrew Roche advised the lenders on the $US1.17 billion financing of the project. In this Q&A interview Tjia-Dharmadi discusses the significance of the deal, the unique financing challenges it presented, and the project’s potential to serve as a blueprint for future geothermal projects in Indonesia.

California Adopts Sweeping Plan To Combat Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Far from perfect but the best there is  Winston Churchill famously said, “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.” Despite its many flaws, that is how its supporters characterize PJM’s capacity market. As proof of its appeal, countries as far away as the UK, Germany, So Korea, to name a… Keep reading →

U.S. Federal Strategic Petroleum Reserve

According to EIA, the share of imports in U.S. energy consumption for the first half of 2014 reached the lowest level in 29 years. On October 10, 2014, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) released a report showing that net U.S. energy imports as a share of consumption for the January-June 2014 period reached the lowest… Keep reading →

Daily Life In Istanbul

Ankara’s security and political concerns may drive it to establish buffer zones unilaterally, while Washington’s hesitance could cost it a coalition. Since the armed phase of the rebellion against Bashar al-Assad began in summer 2011, Turkey has been intent on setting up safe havens and accompanying no-fly zones in northern Syria to protect areas held… Keep reading →

Energy Chemist

From oil and natural gas to renewable energy, like wind and solar, the energy sector continues to expand, creating good-paying American jobs and helping to grow the U.S. economy. Yet beyond traditional energy jobs, many Americans are contributing to the energy economy by helping the U.S. build a cleaner, safer energy future.’s #EnergyJobs series… Keep reading →

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