Breaking Defense (pha)

Posts by Breaking Defense (pha)


Energy Department Awards New Contract to Manage and Operate Brookhaven National Laboratory WASHINGTON– The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has awarded a new five-year, $3.2 billion contract to Brookhaven Science Associates (BSA) to manage and operate Brookhaven National Laboratory. The award was the result of a DOE competition for the management and operations (M&O) contract… Keep reading →

Germany Plans 40 New Coal-Fired Power Plants

JAMESTOWN, N.Y. – As a part of the Administration’s effort to increase energy efficiency nationwide through the Better Buildings, Better Plants Challenge, the Energy Department today recognized Cummins Inc., for demonstrating leadership in reducing energy use and costs at its Jamestown Engine Plant in Jamestown, New York. Through the Better Plants Challenge, Cummins committed to… Keep reading →

New Jersey Town Feels Effect Of Economic Downtown

DOE has developed a small business “All-in-one Application Tool” for small businesses looking for funds to advance clean energy technologies. The online tool provides a guide for potential applicants for the topics under the DOE Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs. Among the nine topics identified by SBIR is bioenergy, with particular focus on biomass conversion systems, coatings for metal combustors, and solid-liquid separations for algal systems.

San Francisco Career Fair Helps Military Veterans Find Jobs

The energy industry – oil & gas sector in particular – is bracing itself for a massive wave of retirements over the short to medium term, which has been dubbed “The Great Shift Change.” As the industry prepares for this turnover, companies are looking to the next generation of candidates with skills ranging from finance, geology,… Keep reading →

President Obama Delivers State Of The Union Address At U.S. Capitol

As the Iran deadline approaches, violence flares up in Jerusalem, and respective election cycles ebb and flow, U.S. and Israeli officials will need to work harder than ever to manage bilateral tensions. In the coming weeks, a number of foreign and domestic developments will affect U.S. and Israeli policy, with each potentially testing the already… Keep reading →


Each year on November 11, our nation takes a day to honor our veterans. In truth, this is a responsibility we must act upon every day. On this day, we focus our minds and hearts on those who have served in uniform. Last week I visited Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, where I met… Keep reading →

Aerials of U.S.-Canada Border Along The Niagara River

As we reported here, on October 6, 2014, a number of public water agencies and other entities that represent agricultural and municipal water users in California filed a petition for writ of certiorari with the U.S. Supreme Court. The petition was filed after a divided panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued a decision affirming a biological opinion issued by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service with respect to continuing operations of the federal Central Valley Project and State Water Project. The panel held that the biological opinion and accompanying reasonable and prudent alternative do not violate the Administrative Procedure Act and Endangered Species Act. The deadline to file amicus briefs in support of the petition was November 6, 2014.

Ford Dearborn Truck Plant Builds New 2014 F-150 Trucks

The recent slide in oil prices—yielding sub-$3 a gallon gas nationally—won’t deter drivers from what they want most from their vehicles: fuel economy, Ford Motor CEO Mark Fields told CNBC Tuesday. He appeared on “Squawk Box” as the first new, lighter aluminum F-Series pickups were rolling off the assembly line at the Ford Rouge Center in Dearborn, Michigan,… Keep reading →

Fracking In California Under Spotlight As Some Local Municipalities Issue Bans

Benefits of the U.S. Oil and Natural Gas Boom are Permanent, Says Citi. Forbes: The return of the U.S. as an energy superpower will not be a short-term event with the economic benefits likely to last “at least two generations”, according to the latest research from Citi. That is one of the key findings in a… Keep reading →


Late last week Wyoming air regulators took a second crack at a proposed rule to fix a serious ozone pollution problem in the state’s Upper Green River Basin. To use a baseball analogy, this rule designed to reduce pollution from the oil and gas industry, is a solid double. This proposal improves upon a version released in… Keep reading →

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