Breaking Defense (pha)

Posts by Breaking Defense (pha)

U.S. and EU Extend Temporary Iran Sanctions Relief a Second Time

Foreign Ministers Gather In London For G8 Meeting

The temporary and limited changes to U.S. and European Union (“EU”) sanctions policy for Iran, as agreed under the interim nuclear deal reached by Iran and the P5 + 1 countries, have been extended until June 30, 2015. Most U.S. and EU sanctions on Iran remain in place and will continue to be enforced. Until June 30, 2015, non-U.S. individuals and companies (unless U.S. owned or controlled) will not face U.S. sanctions enforcement if they engage in specified transactions relating to: (a) the export of Iranian petrochemical products, (b) the provision of goods and services for Iran’s auto industry, (c) the sale of gold and precious metals to or from Iran, and (d) the provision of insurance and transport services associated with sales of Iranian oil to six specified countries. The U.S. government has continued the favorable licensing policy for the provision of goods and services to Iran’s civil aviation industry by U.S. persons, U.S. owned/controlled foreign entities and non-U.S. persons. The U.S. also is taking steps to facilitate certain humanitarian and medical trade with Iran, payment of UN dues and support for Iranians studying abroad.

Aerials of U.S.-Canada Border Along The Niagara River

A water utility manager visited a power plant and was amazed at what he saw. A single person – the power plant manager – was operating the entire facility. The water utility manager asked how this could be achieved for his water/wastewater treatment facilities. The answer: advanced automation, technology and analytics. Managing operational costs is… Keep reading →

Last NC Law Changes of 2014 – Just In Time For The holidays

Siemens Announces 2012 Financial Results

Although the NC General Assembly adjourned last summer it is customary to allow some laws that require lead time for implementation to go into effect on December 1st. The following is a list of NC laws that are new today:

San Francisco Career Fair Helps Military Veterans Find Jobs

The energy industry – oil & gas sector in particular – is bracing itself for a massive wave of retirements over the short to medium term, which has been dubbed “The Great Shift Change.” As the industry prepares for this turnover, companies are looking to the next generation of candidates with skills ranging from finance, geology,… Keep reading →

OPEC Ministers Attend Conference In Iran

Implementing a nuclear agreement will be no easier than reaching one, and Washington will have little influence over what Iran decides to do over time about the deal. Reaching a nuclear deal with Iran is proving to be tough, as evidenced by the seven-month extension of talks agreed to on Monday. But negotiating an agreement… Keep reading →


A platinum-chromium alloy makes coronary stents stronger, more flexible and resistant to corrosion. Now, Department of Energy National Lab scientists are winning an award for their work on the development, transfer and successful commercialization of the novel alloy. The researchers from the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) will receive a 2015 ASM Engineering Materials Achievement Award from the materials… Keep reading →

Stocks Pull Back, As Price Of Oil Rises Amid Unrest In Egypt

While oil prices are down after OPEC refused to curtail production, it won’t have a big impact on output from U.S. shale producers, at least for the near term, IHS’ Dan Yergin told CNBC on Monday. “There’s a lot of momentum in the system so I think you don’t really see the big impact of… Keep reading →

General Views Of Hazelwood Power Station

On 24 November 2014 the Australian Parliament passed the Carbon Farming Initiative Amendment Bill 2014 (Bill) which puts in place the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF). The ERF is the cornerstone of the Australian Government’s Direct Action Plan climate change policy for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. It will provide AUD2.55 billion in financial incentives over four years for companies to voluntarily reduce emissions. The Government says its Direct Action Plan climate change policy will mean that Australia will meet the five percent emissions reduction target by 2020.

Eagle, a single pole with branches reach

Rural electric utilities may serve a different type of customer base and may have different concerns and challenges from their much larger counterparts, but they share a common interest in improving and upgrading their services and offerings.  One of those concerns for rural utilities is they must provide and services and offerings to meet higher… Keep reading →

Fracking In California Under Spotlight As Some Local Municipalities Issue Bans

An Oil Boom is a Power Boon U.S. News (Lamont Colucci): OPEC met on Nov. 27, and openly recognized that the United States’ oil technological revolution – driven by enhanced oil recovery methods including hydraulic fracturing (known as fracking) and horizontal drilling – has undermined the cartel’s economic and political power. This constitutes one of the… Keep reading →

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