Jared Anderson

Posts by Jared Anderson

Casio Introduces World's Smallest Fuel Cell

Energy storage is an exciting space for researchers, investors and established energy industry players alike because as technology advances and costs come down the potential for truly disruptive – and highly lucrative – innovation feels almost within grasp. The ability to cheaply and reliably store and dispatch utility-scale volumes of electricity will alter existing power… Keep reading →

Oil Boom Shifts The Landscape Of Rural North Dakota

Global benchmark oil prices in the spotlight for the past few weeks amid Middle East and North African supply concerns have arguably been tempered by strong North American output keeping the global market adequately supplied. How long can this dynamic persist, however? Respected analyst Amy Myers Jaffe delves into this question in a recent Fuel… Keep reading →

Natural Gas Prices In Midwest Could Jump Over 70% After Katrina

Buildings account more than 40% of energy consumption in the United States, and 30%-50% of that usage is routinely wasted. Despite this significant economic and environmental opportunity, building energy efficiency is vastly underfunded today. Government, utilities, technology vendors, energy service providers, software providers, and a host of other organizations are working to change this dynamic.… Keep reading →

Anti-Fracking Activists Rally In Washington

NY Court of Appeals will decide whether state municipalities can use local zoning laws to ban hydraulic fracturing. Extent of Marcellus Shale Formation in NY State (Syracuse) On August 29, 2013, the Albany Court of Appeals  announced its decision to consider two lawsuits challenging the authority of New York (NY) State municipalities to enact local… Keep reading →

Arrival of Heads of Delegations for G20 Leaders Summit

Domestic Saudi Arabian oil consumption increasingly cuts into oil exports, reducing the valuable revenue those exported barrels provide, which funds the country’s current account surplus. Subsidized domestic prices incentivize direct burning crude to generate power needed to cool a growing Saudi population. As the Kingdom shifts more to natural gas for power generation – freeing… Keep reading →

Super Yachts Moored In South Quay As Their Owners Visit London Ahead Of The Olympics

Brazilian billionaire Eike Batista faces regulatory scrutiny for potential illegal activity at petroleum company OGX. From luncheons with Madonna to reportedly selling his $19 million yacht for scrap, Batista’s highly-publicized fall from grace continues. [New York Times] Chinese national oil champion CNPC just bought into Novatek’s Yamal LNG venture, giving French Total and CNPC 20%… Keep reading →

Russian Gas Supplies Through Ukraine Turned Off

Natural gas inventories, or the volume of gas periodically injected, stored and withdrawn in various parts of the US, is a major price determinant. Storage dynamics also vary significantly by region, from production centers with ample salt cavern storage capacity to demand centers like the northeast where cold winters require utilities to maintain enough supply… Keep reading →

St. Petersburg International Economic Forum

Only in Russia can state-controlled oil company executives buy stock in the firm with money borrowed from a bank whose capital is largely generated by the country’s state-controlled natural gas company. That would never fly in the US. Remember the controversy about former Vice President Dick Cheney’s Halliburton relationship? The Moscow Times reports: A recent 3.1… Keep reading →

Oil Drops To $96 A Barrel As Energy Prices Decline 1.4 Percent In April

By: Katie Holliday Uncertainty over rising tensions in Syria has driven oil prices to fresh highs in recent weeks, but analysts say the bullish sentiment is expected to stay regardless of whether or not the scenario escalates into a full blown war. “Even if there is a war in Syria or no war in Syria… Keep reading →

EPA Declares Greenhouse Gases A Danger To Human Health

Companies often lament regulations that impact their business and tout free markets, but here’s a case of a company applauding tougher regulations that could boost the market for its products. Power Solutions International claims to be the world’s largest alternatively-fueled engine manufacturer and sees pending diesel emissions limits as an opportunity for on- and non-road… Keep reading →

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