Jared Anderson

Posts by Jared Anderson

Grangemouth Petrochemical Plant  Saved From Closure

Scotland will vote on a referendum to secede from the UK this September. A major component of that decision involves the future of the massive Grangemouth refining and petrochemical complex and oil reserves located in the Scottish portion of the North Sea. “Mr. Salmond, Scotland’s first minister, is banking on North Sea oil to underpin… Keep reading →

Sydney Celebrates With Fireworks On New Year's Eve

It’s that time of year when people look back at their behavior of the past year and wonder what they can change in the coming months. They set goals and try to put in place new practices as part of their New Year’s Resolutions. The energy industry has had a busy, transformative decade. Technology innovation… Keep reading →

New York Gov. Cuomo Makes Announcement Regarding Superstorm Sandy And Tourism

With a $210M initial funding approval, NY Green Bank is poised to begin operations in early 2014. On December 19, 2013, New York State Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced $210M initial capitalization for the $1B New York Green Bank, a market-based clean energy funding initiative launched in September.  The funding includes $165M Public Service Commission… Keep reading →

Extended Drought Pushes Corn Prices To Record Highs

Ethanol requirements for U.S. gasoline appear to be losing friends and influencing the wrong people, with calls growing to reform or scrap the government mandates altogether. The Environmental Protection Agency in November proposed reducing the amount of renewable fuels, including corn-based ethanol, that oil refiners must blend with gasoline. The rule is a centerpiece of… Keep reading →

Scenes From Predominantly Muslim Region Of Xinjiang In China

Natural gas might be eating coal’s lunch, but natural gas always has a friend in coal. Coal forever makes gas – even when obtained by fracking – look good. Take the new study out of the University of Texas, announced with the headline, “Natural Gas Saves Water and Reduces Drought Vulnerability, Even When Factoring in… Keep reading →

NASA Offers Tour Of Its Offshore Membrane Enclosure For Growing Algae (OMEGA) System

Algae based biofuel production is growing as the market for alternative fuel continues to expand. This video, the latest in advertising campaigns from Algenol Biofuels, is certainly eye catching. The video captures the simplicity of algae biofuel that is integral to its feasibility.  New research has drastically improved the efficiency of the process of making… Keep reading →

Germany Debates Renewable Energy Investements

  In the United States, electricity generation is still the largest contributor of greenhouse gas emissions—more than 2,039 million tons a year. Although Americans are increasingly educated and passionate about climate issues, many still lack basic information about renewable energy, which can prevent them from taking action. In fact, NREL reports that although 80 percent… Keep reading →

Royal Purple Las Vegas Bowl - Fresno State v USC

Ecopropagator is the first crowdfunding platform to target the market for cleantech projects. It is for investors who want to make money whilst ‘making the world a better place’. We provide funding solutions and support for ecological projects as well as advice on government initiatives – all in a safe investment environment. As we are… Keep reading →

President Obama Speaks At Southern Site Of The Keystone Oil Pipeline

We may finally get a decision on the Keystone XL pipeline in 2014, but in the meantime the battle over whether or not to construct the oil transportation infrastructure project rages on. This infographic argues in favor of constructing KXL because pipelines are a more efficient transportation method than either trucking or railing crude oil.… Keep reading →

Iguacu Falls A Finalist In New Seven Wonders Of Nature Contest

“Distributed, point-of-use solar should prove to be the most disruptive renewable technology.” The financial services firm UBS is predicting a “difficult year ahead” for global investor-owned utilities. In a recent research paper, UBS equities analysts outlined a combination of challenges for utilities: rising interest rates that will likely push investors toward higher-risk stocks and away… Keep reading →

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