Jared Anderson

Posts by Jared Anderson

British Gas Controversially Increases Its Energy Prices

A proposed natural gas pipeline to supply the B.L. England power plant in Cape May County that would have run through the environmentally-sensitive Pinelands region was rejected last week. The power plant is switching from coal to natural gas and it’s unclear whether an alternative supply source has been identified. [New York Times] Kenya is… Keep reading →

22 Dead In Qingdao Oil Pipeline Blast

When it rains, it pours…on the US coal industry. Today a major chemical supplier to coal companies, Freedom Industries, leaked 2,000 – 5,000 gallons of a hazardous chemical – 4-Methylcyclohexane Methanol – which contaminated the Elk River and 300,000 Charleston, W. Virginia residents’ drinking water. The situation reportedly forced school and business closures and caused… Keep reading →

San Francisco Leads Nation In Organized Drive To Compost City Waste

A new plant being built in Glendale, Arizona, promises to be the nation’s first landfill facility to transform waste into energy when it opens in April. The facility, located just a few miles west of the University of Phoenix Stadium, will create electricity through a process called pyrolytic gasification, a technology purchased from The Hoskinson… Keep reading →

President Obama Announces First Five "Promise Zones" To Battle Poverty

The review will serve as a roadmap to address the country’s most pressing energy challenges. The first installment, scheduled for January 2015, will focus on US energy infrastructure. This is part of the administration’s effort to formulate a comprehensive national energy policy or set of policies, which is something the nation has lacked, due in… Keep reading →

Obama To Deliver Major Climate Change Speech

The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission will rule whether a solar project or natural gas plant should be constructed based on which facility is most in the public interest. A judge recently ruled the solar project was best for consumers. [Fresh Energy] Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei recently said the nuclear talks “showed the enmity… Keep reading →

Breaking Energy Dallas Freeze featured

As we begin a new year, the outlook for 2014 looks bright.  But as the Polar Vortex has descended upon the U.S. over the last few days, we have been reminded of the past, specifically the winter of 2011 when Texas’ electricity grid stuttered under the extreme cold. Monday, as a record-breaking cold snap whisked… Keep reading →

Germany Debates Renewable Energy Investements

Renewable energy businesses – primarily wind and solar power – in the US are moving from adolescence to maturity. The US solar industry experienced a transformative 2013, with the proliferation of physical assets, installed capacity and new finance mechanisms, while the wind industry raced to begin projects by end-2013 in order to receive production tax… Keep reading →

New Born Elephants Appear At The Safari Zoo In Israel

There were a handful high-profile hydraulic fracturing bans announced in Colorado and New Jersey communities in late 2013, and earlier in the year Vermont banned the controversial oil and gas well completion technique, the first US state to do so. However, Vermont and New Jersey don’t have significant natural gas resources, which makes the announcements… Keep reading →

U.S. Gas Prices Rise 12 Cents In Past Week

The Short-term Energy Outlook is the EIA’s periodic analysis of where energy fundamentals appear to be heading based on current data and assumptions. The reports cover supply/demand dynamics and pricing for oil, natural gas, refined products, coal, power, renewables, emissions and the US economy. This edition of the EIA’s STEO – released earlier this week… Keep reading →

Iraq Signs Contracts With Foreign Oil Companies

Barclays’ senior geopolitical strategist Helima Croft is heavily quoted in this piece about the potential for escalating Iraqi violence to negatively impact the country’s oil & gas industry. “If they could get the political and security situation under control, Iraq could have tremendous upside advantage for investors. It would be a fantastic growth story,” said… Keep reading →

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