FERC Wants To Open Up Energy Markets To Distributed Energy

California Faces Continued Energy Woes

On November 17, the FERC released a new rule proposal that could help push U.S. energy markets to adopt energy storage systems at a faster pace by allowing distributed energy resources.

Climate Protection - Photo Illustrations

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission voted to require all Regional Transmission Organizations and Independent System Operators to revise its tariffs

National Grid Announces Controversial New Power Line Route

A recent report published by ISO-New England, the Operational Fuel Security Analysis, has certainly grabbed the region’s attention. “The ISO has been able to maintain power system reliability during severe winter conditions without using all its emergency procedures,” the report says. “However, the evolving generation mix is increasingly susceptible to variable and uncertain factors.” The study… Keep reading →

Renewable Energy Update – July 2015 #3

Germany Seeks Ambitious Goals For Renewable Energy

A U.S. Senate committee has voted to extend more than 50 tax policies, including production and investment tax credits that incentivize wind farm construction.

Anniversary Of Nuclear Disaster At Three Mile Island Marked Near The Site

Despite aging nuclear plant retirements, the U.S. nuclear industry continues to support new development and advanced nuclear technologies.   The Administration supports continued federal nuclear energy program funding in its “all of the above” energy strategy. Despite aging plants challenged by low-cost natural gas-fired generation and several off-schedule new plant constructions, the nuclear energy industry… Keep reading →

New EPA Regulation To Cut Emissions From Coal-Fired Plants In US

Late last week, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed an important Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Order, giving the agency a big win and aiding in the promise of a cleaner, smarter, and more efficient power grid. By upholding FERC’s Order 1000, the court confirmed what many think is common sense: Because the power grid crosses state and… Keep reading →

When it comes to energy and politics, the United States is not what it appears. Deregulation of the power markets is one example. Some regions of the nation have developed robust power markets. Others regions do not and they don’t want it.

The regionalization of the power markets means there is no such thing as a national grid. According to The ISO/RTO Council, the United States has seven formalized power markets and vast regions where no markets exist at all. Approximately two-thirds of US consumers are served by the seven deregulated power markets. The objective of these markets is to provide buyers and sellers price discovery, liquidity, and non-discriminatory access to wholesale power. Keep reading →