Heritage Foundation

Sequestration Forces Closure Of IRS For The Day

The Obama Administration issued a statement yesterday in support of Senate Bill 1392, the Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act of 2013. The Washington Post described the bill as “timid” and “politically palatable”. That’s a good thing. The goal of the legislation is to codify and beef up existing federal government programs that seek to reduce energy… Keep reading →

Obama Nominates New Energy Secretary, New EPA Administrator

The US federal government has long had a hand in guiding development of the country’s energy sector. In some cases, such as the Department of Energy’s role in the early stages of research and development that helped usher in the shale boom, this has been hailed as a success. In others, such as the highly-publicized… Keep reading →

Advocates of loan guarantees claim that this subsidy is a success when the recipient company remains in business. This is a superficial and misleading way to view loan guarantees. Indeed, loan guarantees are among the most pernicious ways that governments distort markets and harm American families and businesses alike. Here are seven reasons why.

This piece was originally posted on the Heritage Foundation’s website. Learn more here. Keep reading →

The uncomfortable relationship between Russia and its biggest natural gas market – Europe – has been undergoing changes as European countries contemplate developing their indigenous shale gas resources and the divergence between oil and natural gas prices that has in turn strained the long held practice of oil-linked gas pricing outside of North America.

In this video from the recent US Association for Energy Economics conference Ariel Cohen, Heritage Foundation Senior Research Fellow discusses some of the emerging regional trends that are shaping future gas flow patterns and Russia’s role as gas supplier. Keep reading →

Chinese companies continue to “overpay wildly” for foreign energy investments but still can’t keep pace with growing consumption in China’s subsidized domestic market, Derek Scissors of the Heritage Foundation told the China Environment Forum in Washington last week.

Fuel prices are controlled and kept well below market in China, he said, so Chinese companies end up selling oil and gas into international markets whenever possible rather than sending the resources home. The government is promising reform but has set no schedule. Keep reading →