Corporate Average Fuel Economy

Central Utah Anchors State's Coal Mining Industry

If addressing climate change is as urgent as most evidence suggests then carbon capture and storage needs to be part of the solution. This is the thrust of a new book on the subject and a new animation helps depict global climate change in a manner that most people can grasp. “With an eye on… Keep reading →

World's Population Hits 7 Billion Mark

One thing that is very clear from political discussions about the burden higher gasoline prices put on US consumers is that there are few on Capitol Hill who are likely to push for higher gasoline prices. But Oregon state representative Earl Blumenauer is going against the grain, with a proposal to phase in a $0.15 per… Keep reading →

Mid-day traffic make its way through dow

The Environmental Protection Agency’s fuel economy measurement system fails to factor in several metrics that could shed light on the fuel efficiency of electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles, according to Mike Duoba, Vehicle Systems Research Engineer at Argonne National Laboratory. The EPA bears responsibility for generating information on vehicle fuel economy for all new cars… Keep reading →