Carbon Emissions Reduction

Global CO2 Levels Reach Unprecedented Monthly Highs

All these climate-related emissions goals! It’s hard to keep track sometimes. The World Resources Institute was out on Wednesday with a new report on how the United States can hit a 2025 greenhouse gas emissions reduction target of 26 to 28 percent below 2005 levels. This is the pledge that President Obama has made, outlined… Keep reading →

Despite High Emissions, New Coal Power Plants Planned in Germany

Former Secretary of State George P. Shultz is urging climate change doubters to at least take out an insurance policy when it comes to carbon emissions and climate change. Shultz argues for sustained support for energy research and development along with a carbon tax. In an opinion piece in the Washington Post, Shultz described the… Keep reading →

senate snowball

The Washington Post editorial board penned a scathing op-ed in response to Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe’s asinine stunt on the Senate floor last week. Inhofe brought in a snowball from outside to make the point that it was cold in Washington DC and thus climate change was a farce. Bravo, sir. In the face of… Keep reading →

New EPA Regulation To Cut Emissions From Coal-Fired Plants In US

As the world marches toward December’s United Nations Conference of the Parties (COP21) Paris climate summit, governments are determining what effort they will make to reduce emissions and address climate change. Countries are in the midst of implementing commitments through 2020, and they are now turning their attention to preparing what they will commit to… Keep reading →

Center For American Progress Hosts 10th Anniversary Conference

John Podesta, Counselor to the President, who oversees climate change and energy policy for the administration is departing the White House and will now be a top adviser to presumed Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. He discussed the administration’s efforts on climate policy in an interview with the Washington Post. “I think we’ve done a very,… Keep reading →

Oil Prices Continue To Rise With Demand

This speech is important. Royal Dutch Shell CEO Ben Van Beurden says that it is time for the oil industry to join the debate over climate change. Shell has long advocated for a price on carbon, but in a speech Thursday in London he took the message farther by saying: “Our sector needs to enter… Keep reading →

Energy Secretary Moniz Delivers Address On Energy Supply And Exports

In comments at the ARPA-E Summit on Wednesday, US Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz said the following with regard to climate change: “The announcement in October in Beijing [on carbon emissions] six months ago has changed the discussion in many ways and in many places. We see it in lots of other discussions we are… Keep reading →

Q-Cells Opens New Solar Energy Research Center

Led by solar power, global investment in renewable energy increased 16% in 2014 year-on-year. Solar and wind led the charge, but biofuels investment fell back a bit. “China was the clear national leader, with investment rising 32% to $90bn, with the US second, up 8% to $52bn, and Japan up 12% to $41bn. Canada, Brazil… Keep reading →


In the future, when we look back on 2014, I believe it will be remembered as the tipping point for climate action. In the Northeast, we’ll remember the devastating early-season snowstorm that caused over a dozen deaths. In the Southwest, many will remember the third-straight year of a drought that seems without end. And, nationally, many… Keep reading →

Germany Invests In Renewable Energy Sources

Renewable natural gas (RNG) is methane produced from biomass that is cleaned to pipeline quality standards and blended with fossil natural gas. RNG, also known as biomethane, is carbon-neutral and chemically identical to fossil natural gas allowing it to be blended without restriction. Renewable natural gas is produced from a variety of (mostly waste) resources… Keep reading →

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