Arctic Oil

Royal Arctic Expedition On The Icebreaker 'Oden'

The Arctic – a cohesive region located north of the Arctic Circle – falls under the separate jurisdiction of eight countries with a population of about 4.2 million people and an annual economy of about US$230 billion. Interestingly, the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on the Arctic draws a nice comparison to “emerging markets”… Keep reading →

USOC Pre-Olympic Congressional Day

Shell spent billions of dollars and significant political capital to obtain the licenses and approvals required to explore for oil and gas off the coast of Alaska. A US appeals court recently ruled the original lease sale flawed, which threw new obstacles in the company’s path toward offshore Alaskan oil and gas development. The recent… Keep reading →

GM Battery Begins Assembly Of Electric Battery For Its Volt Car

A startup named Aquion recently began commercial-scale production of sodium-ion batteries that solve some lithium-ion toxicity and flammability issues. The company says when scaled up, the batteries could supplant natural gas peaker plants, allowing stored renewable energy to be used during power demand spikes instead of gas. “The batteries could allow the grid to accommodate… Keep reading →

Greenpeace Blockades Faslane Naval Base

Activists across the world rally to support 30 Greenpeace protesters detained in Russia after sailing toward a Barents Sea oil drilling operation. The incident blew up into a geopolitical game of chicken between Moscow and several Western countries native to the jailed activists. [Agence France Presse] Energy Intelligence ranked the world’s top 100 greenest utilities… Keep reading →