Global Warming Public Nuisance Actions Will Stay In Federal Court

Chevron Announces 7.2 Billion Dollar Quarterly Profit

The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California rejected motions filed by the cities of Oakland and San Francisco to remand two global warming public nuisance lawsuits filed by the cities in state court against several large energy companies.

General view of an oil refinery

Recently, Texans for Natural Gas (TXNG) issued a report claiming methane emissions have drastically decreased in several of the largest natural gas producing counties in Texas from 2011 to 2016. The notion of methane emissions rapidly declining across Texas during the largest U.S. oil and gas boom of the century is described in the report’s blog post… Keep reading →

Waste Fuels Energy Production In Incinerator Plant

  A new analysis is taking a closer looking at the scope of New Mexico’s methane problem and the financial impact it’s having on the state’s taxpayers. We have known for some time that New Mexico had a problem with methane waste and pollution from the state’s oil and gas industry. A 2015 report from… Keep reading →

BP Case Reflects FERC’s Broad View Of Its Jurisdiction

A BP station in downtown Chicago - at th

The FERC issued an order affirming an Administrative Law Judge’s Initial Decision finding that BP America and certain affiliated entities violated FERC’s prohibition on market manipulation, the Anti-Manipulation Rule.

A BP station in downtown Chicago - at th

The newest measure of the oil industry’s falling fortunes came on Tuesday in the form of a $3.3 billion fourth-quarter loss reported by BP. [The NY Times] Germany has overtaken the UK in the rate at which it is installing wind turbines at sea, industry figures show. [The Guardian] NV Energy is proposing “grandfathering” existing… Keep reading →

One Year Anniversary Of BP Oil Spill Approaches

BP’s application to drill in the Great Australian Bight has been rejected after it fell short of environmental standards. [The Guardian] The sixty percent decline in oil prices in the past year has put a damper on energy sector mergers-and-acquisitions, except in a couple of cases within the sector. [Forbes] Energy Transfer Partners LP has… Keep reading →

Tankers Leave Oil Refineries As Strike Action Looms

To a large degree, cleaner air in the United States results from innovations and improvements in transportation fuels over the past four decades. This is important, because the freedom to travel has been ingrained in the American psyche since the days when waves of westward migration began spanning the continent. Today, Americans are used to… Keep reading →

VW Automobile Assembly

The Volkswagen scandal has revealed the continuing disregard of major corporations to curb global emissions levels and participate in a systemic effort to incorporate green practices into their respective industries. VW was successful in deceiving the EPA and consumers by developing software that hid the emissions output of its Diesel fleet until the revelation of… Keep reading →

Domestic Oil And Gas Production

The EIA has lowered crude price forecasts in its Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO), expecting West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil prices to average $49 per barrel (b) in 2015 and $54/b in 2016. [EIA] New documents have revealed BP was part of an oil and gas lobby that successfully undermined EU renewable energy targets and subsidies… Keep reading →

Initial Decision Finds That BP Manipulated 2008 Natural Gas Market In Texas

A BP station in downtown Chicago - at th

On August 13, 2015, a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Administrative Law Judge issued an initial decision in which she found that BP America Inc manipulated the natural gas market in Texas for over two and a half months in 2008.

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