One of the most influential – and global – of energy organizations has released this timely report reviewing the current state of the nuclear business, coinciding with the high-profile anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan on March 11.

This World Energy Council report “highlights that currently about 50 countries are operating, building, or considering nuclear power as part of their energy mix. About half of these countries are newcomers to nuclear. More than 60 nuclear plants are under construction, mainly in China, Russia, India and South Korea.”

From the report:

“The growth in the utilization of nuclear power is mainly driven by non-OECD countries – the very countries that are seeing ever rising energy demand. These countries account for 39 out of the 63 nuclear power plants currently being built worldwide (including 26 in China, 10 in Russia, 7 in India).”

Download the full report above, and follow the “Fukushima Anniversary” tag on Breaking Energy for full coverage of the accident’s anniversary and analysis of its impacts.